
2014年08月12日 09:55  观察者网  收藏本文

  People in poor villages are living in extreme hard conditions, and joining PLA and getting trained is a dream to many。


  PLA Soldier

  Weel, I did already know that cost of getting Chinas citizenship is to give up old citizenship. But, still, it would be the cost of joining the PLA. Yes, I´m seriously thinking about joining the Chinas army。



  Joining the PLA has many social benefits when you retire as a veteran, and you can learn many skills that may be helpful in finding a job in an urban center later on. You get a decent salary and is free from housing and living expenses。


  Another bonus is that since China is at peace and is in no hurry to fight wars everywhere, you don't really have a chance of getting killed (accidents aside but those are present in civi life as well). This makes the army a safe job and a good one。



  You do realized that as a foreigner, china doesn't give out its citizenship easily. It's not like Canada where you will get one if you stay for x number of years. Last time I heard from the news was that China only grants citizenship to distinguished individuals who made an impact for a better China。


  PLA Soldier

  I understand that Chinese citizenship is hard to get. If they ask reason, I say that I want to join PLA, and you know, fresh meat for the grindery?


  PLA Soldier

  So, the conclusion: So, it is possible for western men to join PLA, if they move to China first and gain citizenship. What comes to the other discussion, good mens does become soldiers. If not, this world would be much more darker place to live。


  PLA Soldier

  So far, relations between Finland and China have been good. That´s why I don´t think that China would consider me as security risk, or in any other way of trouble-causing men. Only thing that might cause that sort of thinking would be that I wan´t join PLA。


  bd popeye

  PLA Soldier. I have some questions for you。


  Why do you want to join the PLA? And when you become of age why don't you join the Finnish armed forces? Isn't there conscription in Finland? Thanks!


  Mr T

  PLA Soldier, I'm afraid that kw64 is painting an overly optimistic and unrealistic picture of what you'd be facing in trying to join the PLA. I think it's important to be realistic even if you (for some reason) really wish this could happen。


  The first thing would be to move to China. Now you can't just do that on a whim. You need to either be a student there or have a job there. Being a student isn't helpful because when you finish your studies you're off - at best it would buy you time。


  In regards to work, unless you have some particular skills and qualifications that China needs you're not going to get a job, other than maybe teaching English as a foreign language and that's no good long-term career. It's not stable because you can be laid off in the blink of an eye and frequently doesn't pay all that well. Certainly it won't let you get permanent residency。


  Even if you get a great job, marry a Chinese woman and get permanent residency, you're still highly unlikely to get an offer of nationality. The foreigners who get Chinese passports are usually rich businessmen who contribute to the Chinese economy and get friendly with powerful people。


  But let's say you get a great job, marry a Chinese woman, get permanent residency, make great friends with people who decide on nationality applications and then an offer of nationality. That would take so long you'd probably be too old to join the PLA anyway!




文章关键词: 中国 人民解放军 芬兰少年 外籍解放军

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