
2014年08月12日 09:55  观察者网  收藏本文

  You also need to realise that China doesn't allow dual nationality, so you'd have to give up your Finnish citizenship and passport. You'd need a visa to travel to anywhere in Europe, even your home. Are you sure you'd want that?


  Put it like this. If you want to go to China, live and work there, good luck. But you need a plan before you go as to what you're going to do there, otherwise I think you'll be unhappy. Realistically joining the PLA is not going to happen, so you will need an alternative line of work. Just remember that the Chinese job market is very competitive。



  When someone wishes someone else "good luck" in the manner as you did, it is usually a sarcastic thing. So if I'm not mistaken, you made it sound like living in China nowadays in general is a bad idea . That seems to contradict what the general feeling is about living and working in China NOWADAYS. In fact, we have multiple friends (Chinese, Chinese-Americans, Taiwanese, Taiwanese-Americans, Caucacian-Americans) who moved to China and enjoy their life over there very much. And that was not a typo and I did say Taiwanese moving to the Mainland and love it there. One of my buddies is actually pan-green and he hated the idea but his wife who is a Chinese wanted to go back badly. So he went along "for the sake of love". Now he loves it there and would not come back to the States。


  TO PLA soldier, I do agree with other posters that you have to be careful about this move that you are making. As someone who has given up his original citizenship to live in another country, I tell you that giving up your own citizenship should not be taken lightly, doesn't matter which nation you are from. If you truly want to join PLA, I would suggest you live in China for a while. You usually can't get the whole picture when you are outside and looking in. you either get overly excited and positive or overly negative, depending on the kind of political/educational background you had. Some good examples of both are vivdly illustrated in this thread and this forum in general. These people are either never been to China or been away from China for a long time. I don't know about others, but I, myself, am one of these people (being away for almost 20 years). My parents always say that I am too positive on China and that I am one of those people who "is standing but never understands the backpain suffered by those who are on their knees". So you have to actually live in China to know what China is like and then make your decision。


  PLA Soldier

  My decision isn´t totally completed yet. It is true that we have conscription in Finland, but it isn´t an army anymore these days. Well, you know, our equipment is a bit outdated. And still, there is a feeling that you should something with your life. I know that I haven´t witnessed chinese lifestyle or culture in that way I could really make that big decision by information so far. Still, the Rising Dragon has always fashinated me within my own way。



  Okey, now finally the reason why I wan´t to join PLA:

  1. I have always dreamed about moving to foreign country. SWerving in that countrys armed forces would be great way to "pay back" my depth to my new homeland。

  2. Why China? Many reasons. New superpower, strong military, enormous economy, strong coverment, chinese girls are beatifull!

  3. And no, I´m not warcrazy militant. Actually, I love peace, but not in that way as many think about it. I wan´t to protect peace and wellfare of my beloved ones with arms if necessery。

  4. China is not at war apparently。






  Mr T

  If I was being sarcastic it would be that I didn't think he had a chance of moving to and working in China. But I wasn't being sarcastic - if the guy wants to move to China and get a job he deserves to be wished luck。



  Good reasons. But since you have not been to China to experience whether you like it there or not (I am pretty sure you will), you had better move there to study/work before you make the decision to join the PLA. I think you are likely to change your mind and turn to another profession, when you are more mature。


  Moving to China should be easy. Nowadays foreigners are common in the developed cities of China (Tier one cities, namely Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou) and they are very popular, especially if you are white and if you have good people skills/connections. Building relationships and making friends with people during your study/work there is VERY important, you can get a lot of opportunities if people like you and introduce you to those who make decisions。


  Joining the PLA in China is a dream for many in the less developed areas, but not for those already have good living standard. The life and training in PLA, in fact most armies are very tough for newbies, and the living standard of PLA may be far worse than Finnish army's, for that I do not think joining PLA as a regular newbie would be a good idea for many people. As you said 'chinese girls are beatifull' I think you would prefer a career you are able to meet those girls more often。


  I would suggest you get a good education background first from western countries and get a job in one of the tier 1 cities in maniland China, Hong Kong or Macau to experience the lifestyle and build connections as well as explore opportunities. Or if you are sure you want to join the armed force, apply for a degree in one of the military academies in China you would be valued by most armed forces in the world when you graduate, for your unique background, and you can decide to get Chinese citizenship and join the PLA as a officer or join other armed forces. I am not sure how hard it is for foreigners to apply for military academies but the requirements are surprisingly low for foreigners in the most reputed universities in China, because the top universities are starving for foreign students and they want to be more international. So if you don't get a place in military academy, getting into Tsinghua University/ Beijing University would be a good alternative and would make your career path more flexible。


  Hope it helps



  It would be easier to get into Harvard or Stanford.... Those are the two toughest schools in the world to get into. EVERYONE in China aspires to those two universities。

  申请哈佛或者斯坦福都比北大清华容易…… 它们是世界上最难申到的两个学校,中国的所有学生都憧憬这两所学校。


  That's true for Chinese students. Not the case at all for foreign students, they do not need to be involved in the Chinese high school exams and they are judged differently。



  It's no problem!


  PLA Soldier

  Even though my questions have been answered, any and all tips and advices would be really apriciated






文章关键词: 中国 人民解放军 芬兰少年 外籍解放军

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